
Multi Channel Retail Services for gripping mass audience

Get competetive advantage by our Multi Channel Retail Services

In a competitive market as online retail, it is very important that merchants must be able to grip customers’ attention through multiple channels. To fortify customer experience consistently, you and your business require a far-reaching Omni-channel retail engagement strategy along with selling through your physical or web store. Nowadays selling on individual site is a tough task for many E-commerce retailers. Thus, retailers have moved for listing their products on other sites and marketplaces such as Amazon. Nonetheless, selling on third party marketplace necessitates loyalty towards the rules of the corresponding marketplace. Faithfully, Amazon maintains standards which may be quite hard to follow and needless to say that a minor mistake can ban and harm your business from the marketplace. Once banned, you may never be allowed to return. Thus, it becomes utmost important to consider professional help when you are planning to fly with an unknown retail.

Here is Ecomguru - Your Omni-Channel Retail Partner

As you have already noticed that customer’s behavior and motives are shifting, in the same context, expectations from retail shopping are also increasing. Your customers always keep eye on what they are looking for, but they are least concerned where they would find it. The channel is increasingly becoming irrelevant. Thus here comes Ecomguru which follows omni-channel approach ensuring for soft customer experience digitally as well as physical shopping channels. A single source omni-channel strategy boosts customer purchase journey across all the channels leading to great purchasing experience.

Metamorphosing Browsers to Buyers

In today’s scenario of growing e-market, customers require a reliable and precise products locating method. However customer requirements as well as access points keep changing, transforming browser to buyers builds the foundation of every multichannel strategy, therefore, we at Evantage help you in creating high quality content, which is the requisite element of multi-channel retail.

Omni-Channel Services Provided by Evantage store includes:

  • Listing Products across All Channels: Listing products across all channels craves a hand full of endeavor and accuracy. All channels might require distinct content thus automated tools may lack their use in such areas. We precisely generate product titles, descriptions for every channel enhancing reachability and visibility of your product.
  • Inventory Control: Selling items on more than one platform urges for satisfying inventory control system. We assist you with your inventory management system with an assurance of no oversell.
  • Price Monitoring: Selling products on multiple channels renders you to opt in lowering or increasing the prices as per the marketplace. Howbeit, what if you urge to modify, increase or lower the prices across all channels after some time? No worries! We help you to supervise your product prices and allow you to modify product prices as and when required.
  • Order Management: Managing orders can be troublesome especially when you sell on multiple channels. We help you through processing your orders productively from multiple channels into a single system.
  • Customer Support and Services: Selling on multiple channels employs that you will have to provide customer service to all the buyers across multiple channels. Amazon lets this even more difficult, by providing an email despite of customer email id. Also, Amazon makes a compulsion for sellers to revert back to customers within 24 hours. At this point, we assist you to provide your customers with a soft customer experience and support across all channels.
  Amazon also makes it mandatory for sellers to revert back to customers within 24 hours. We help you provide your customers with a seamless customer experience and support across all channels.

Related Offerings

Competitive Advantage for Amazon Retailers

Ecomgru provides you a complete Amazon store services and management solution. With the combination of technical expertise and Amazon sellercentral skills, we have helped our clients to achieve a competitive advantage over other vendors. We support online retailers, manufacturers as well as drop-shippers throughout the Amazon seller-processes, along with a complete back-end support. We streamline your business operations and help you reach out to maximum customers at a global level. So wait no more and outsource your Amazon business services to us for the best experience and leveraging results!

Checkout, How We Work!

Account Creation and Documentation

We first create your Amazon Seller account to take you on board to a new ecommerce journey! And hence you are required to share your phone number, credit card details, Tax ID and all business information which will be carefully verified by Amazon.

Activation Account approval and Registration

Once verified by Amazon, your seller account is now activated and you are now the part of Amazon seller community. So the next thing we help you with is Brand Registry. Amazon Brand Registry helps you protect your registered trademarks on Amazon and helps you create a trustable image among customers. Also, sometimes your product category might require some special approval.You are even asked to provide UPCs, ISBNs, etc., which will no more be your headache, once outsourced to us!

Product Onboarding

Finally, after all the registrations and approvals, Amazon now allows you to onboard your product listings for selling to the customers. Evantage does that with full expertise! With a team of adept content writers and backend SEO managers, we create the best product landing pages and an attractive web-store that will fetch you, maximum customers.

Management and Optimization:

This is the most significant step of all, as it includes complete inventory management along with smooth order processing. We regularly update your seller account and optimize each product’s sales by running various ad campaigns and continuously enhancing the content. We work on product reviews, their metadata, store-views, purchases and all the aspects of your seller account so that you are able to expand your business without getting any stress.

Outsource to get Advantage with Ecomguru!

Register Yourselves in just 3 Steps:

1) Drop an inquiry: Our executives will get back to you and understand your Amazon agenda.

2)Time for Paperwork : Let’s discuss out the work-scope and duration and we could sign off the Memorandum of Understanding, where we promise to abide by the rules of your store and maintain the confidentiality of your credentials.

3) Sit Back and Relax:  Now that you have successfully outsourced your Amazon selling services to us, it’s time for you to have a sip a cup of coffee and see yourselves excelling in the world of e-commerce!”

50+ Amazon Sellers trust us! Be one of them today.